Fran & Grace Collection: Work in Progress

Sometimes my designs become…chaotic. What I mean by this is that a collection for me usually begins with some simple sketches, but somewhere between conceptualization and creation the design sometimes changes.

This pair of earrings began as a simple sketch of two triangles overlapping to create a single statement stud. As I began to create the pieces I cut, sanded, and soldered my components, and then it was time to shape the pieces. In the past when making triangles I’d pull out my pliers and painstakingly try to get crisp corners and even sides. This time, though, I decided to pull out my new BFF - the Swanstrom link forming pliers. Basically, with these pliers you can either drill your own holes or use the steel jig included and place your component on the pattern. Once placed, you simply press the pliers and viola! The piece is created into the shape and easily replicated. 

Now, in theory, I would have just made triangles…right? I mean, hello sketch was of triangles. Of course, though, when taking out the pliers my brain went rouge and I wanted to make other shapes. 


Still to be completed, these earrings need to be hammered, soldered together, and the earring post needs to be added. We’ll be showing off these babies as we get closer to the February 4th launch date of the Fran & Grace collection. 

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