Casting Call: Your Favorite Acorn & Artisan Pieces!
Calling all lovers of Acorn & Artisan!
We're looking to showcase your favorite Acorn & Artisan pieces for an upcoming project and would love (and appreciate) if you participated!
As a thank you for your entry, we'll follow up with a $10 shop credit for use on your next purchase.
How to participate
Choose your favorite piece made by Acorn & Artisan (can be jewelry, sun-catchers, or apparel) and email us ( with the following by Thursday, June 30th at midnight EST.
1. A personal statement about your piece. What does the piece mean to you, did you wear or bring it anywhere that holds special meaning to you? We want to know!
2. A photo or two of your beloved piece i n a light, bright area. Smartphone images are fine! See example below (this photo is required!)
3. Include any photos of yourself and the piece you are submitting. We've included a few examples below (these photos are optional, but helpful!):
We will review the submissions and will be in touch with more details about our project and additional benefits for your continued participation and support!
Please let us know if you have any questions -- we look forward to seeing how you've loved your pieces! Thank you in advance, we appreciate you!