New Logo, Who Dis?

Acorn and Artisan is a growing business. 

We started in late 2018/early 2019 as Farmhouse Fluid Art. Around that time I was starting IVF with my husband and needed an outlet for all the what's and if's that surrounded our journey to baby. 

In August 2019, I was pregnant with Eila and during my pregnancy and her first few months I didn't make much art. By the time Eila was earth side we also were thrown an additional curve ball - the COVID 19 pandemic. Summer 2020 was when I started making jewelry, but it wasn't until February 2021 that I decided the name of my business no longer "fit". Acorn and Artisan was then born. 

Pink Resin Jewelry

Fast forward to now... it's summer 2022 and A&A looks drastically different than it did a year and half ago. I've started soldering jewelry, a step I never thought I'd be able to take. Most of my pieces these days are gold-filled, sterling silver, and often have some boho influences. 

Stacked fidget ring

And... somehow our logo no longer felt right. Although it represented my little, it didn't feel like it matched our style anymore. Eila is my whole world, and is a huge part of my business. My little Acorn can often be seen in my videos, helping to stage product photography, and is the brightest light in my life. I wanted our new logo to showcase our growth, the changes we've gone through in the last four years, and bring the brightness of Acorn & Artisan into it. 

Kelsey and daughter

So with that, please join me in welcoming our new look. Over the next few months we'll be updating all of our packaging to reflect our new logo. We appreciate your support and understanding as we transition into the newest phase of our journey. 

Acorn and Artisan, For modern boho babes

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